Most application development work today involves updating legacy systems. For over a decade, Harmonia has assisted Department of Defense (DoD) agencies since 2006 and civilian agencies (e.g., USDA, NASA, Dept. of State, Census Bureau, Small Business Administration) in modernizing a wide variety of legacy enterprise systems, ranging up to the 1-5 million lines of code size. We offer services to update and develop new solution architectures, move the code base to modern design patterns such as microservices and service-enabling/containerizing modules that are to remain unchanged, rearchitecting database data models/stored procedures (see Enterprise Data Warehouses/Large Data Analytics ), and more.
Our services typically start with understanding customer workflows. We then suggest any process reengineering that might simplify IT systems and reduce Total Cost of Ownership. From workflows, we engage in user-centered design to create a User Experience (UX) that is compelling and intuitive, while building in Section 508 accessibility standards compliance. We apply best practices of Information Architecture and Scenario-Based design to tailor the UX for phone versus tablet versus laptop/desktop devices, applying responsive web design (e.g., using Cordova, Bootstrap).